Copying/deleting files, folders

  1. How to edit a file
    If you want to edit a file with the program Gedit, do as follows at the terminal
\textcolor{red}{\bf gedit FILENAME.EXTENTION}

    Notice, that if FILENAME.EXTENTION  does not exist, it will be created, otherwise will open that file.

  2. How to delete a folder/file
    A folder is deleted using \framebox{
\textcolor{red}{\bf rm -rf FOLDERNAME}
} and a file is deleted with
\textcolor{red}{\bf rm FILENAME.EXTENTION}

  3. Move (or Rename) Files and Directories
\textcolor{red}{\bf mv src-file dest-file}
}    rename src-file to dest-file
\textcolor{red}{\bf mv src-file dest-dir}
}    move a file into a directory
\textcolor{red}{\bf mv src-dir dest-dir}
}    rename src-dir, or move to dest-dir
\textcolor{red}{\bf mv -i src dest}
}    copy & prompt before overwriting

  4. Copy Files
\textcolor{red}{\bf cp src-file dest-file}
}    copy src-file to dest-file
\textcolor{red}{\bf cp src-file dest-dir}
}    copy a file into a directory
\textcolor{red}{\bf cp -R src-dir dest-dir}
}    copy one directory into another
\textcolor{red}{\bf cp -i src dest}
}    copy & prompt before overwriting

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